Mircom EC-300 Emergency Nurse Call Station


Product Overview

The EC-300 provides all the controls, audible and visual alarm signaling for the system. An audio amplifier provides all the audible tones through a built-in speaker and the exterior audio ports (S1. S2) A silence button on the EC-300 silences all incoming calls. A DIP switch can program the silence function to be latching or recall after a fixed period of time (2.5, 5 or 10 minutes). External ports are provided for remote monitoring, audible signals and common alarm annunciators. Typically only one EC-300 Call Receiver module is required per system. The EC-300 is designed to withstand transient or electrical noise.

A basic system consists of patient calling stations, emergency calling stations, a central nurse station, dome lights with possible central corridor horns and duty stations.

Emergency calls are placed from designated EC-103/115 Pull/Push Cord stations which are distinctly identified by the flashing suite dome light and central annunciator suite LED. The Central Nurse’s station will sound a fast pulsing alert tone and trigger any corridor horns that are connected.

All tones may be silenced but the alarm can only be reset from the station that initiated the call. If the nurse fails to respond to the call within a preset period, the tones will re-initiate.

Normal calls are placed from a Call Station which are distinctly identified by the slow fl ashing suite dome light and central annunciator LED. Similar silencing capabilities for emergency calls are provided for normal calls.

When duty stations are used, the system may be remotely silenced and monitored for alarm calls.

Main Features
  • Multiple audible/visual alarm states
  • Remote Duty Stations can be added to the system to provide signal silence and remote alarm annunciation
  • Using Mircom’s EC-103 Pull Cord Stations, it is possible to silence an alarm call and have subsequent alarms re-trigger the audible alarm
General Information
Name: Mircom EC-300 Emergency Nurse Call Station, Mircom Technologies Ltd, Mircom
Category: Mircom, Communications, Nurse Call Systems, Master Stations
UPC Code: 778346000076

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