The VDA-108-3GS is a compact and reliable distribution amplifier which accepts a single SDI input and provides eight identical outputs. All embedded data is passed transparently. Signals are reclocked and cable equalization is provided to support long cable runs. The VDA-108-3GS is useful for providing video to multiple destinations (recorders, displays, encoders) from a single video source.
- 3G/HD/SD serial digital distribution
- Eight separately buffered and reclocked outputs
- Dual color LED indication of input lock and rate
- Supports Level A and B
- Passes all ancillary data
- Compatible with USB power sources using 3rd party adapter cables
- Less than 1.25 Watts fully loaded
- Reclocking function reshapes the signal to improve transmission distance
- Reclocking function reshapes the signal to improve transmission distance
Name: Marshall VDA-108-3GS 1x8 3G/HD/SD-SDI Reclocking Distribution Amplifier, Marshall Electronics
Category: Marshall Electronics, Pro AV, Commercial Audio, Pro Amplifiers
Country of Origin: TW. Country of origin is subject to change.