PBN-TECH BRMSK – Boardroom Microphone Suppression Speaker


Directional Microphone Suppression Speaker disguised as a standard desktop audio speaker.

Built for large areas such as Boardrooms or large office spaces, extremely powerful system for prevention of unauthorized audio recording devices in confidential meetings

  • Prevent unauthorized audio recordings in meeting rooms and offices.
  • Built to Protect confidential discussions from unauthorized recording devices.
  • Two technologies onboard, ultra-sonic emission (silent) & White Noise Acoustic Interference
  • Protect Discussion areas by strategically deploying BRMSK towards threats.
  • Can be used Covertly or Overtly
  • Remote Control Operation


Microphones are inside all types of electronic devices, everything from a computer, cell phone, smartwatch and even digital systems like amazon echo are all capable of listening and recording sound.

The threat of being recorded by audio is much greater than any other type of recording.

Audio recorders can be activated on an innocent looking cell phone on a table, hidden inside a pen or USB drive, or hidden in countless everyday objects.

When privacy is the number one goal and you need peace of mind that your important discussions are not being intercepted, ultra-sonic emission can silently protect your discussions.

Using ultra sonic emission means the sound that is being made is not audible to human ears, but to a microphone, it is a deafening sound that will overpower the microphone and ensure the recording will not record anything but the sound of ultra-sonic emission.

For a full understanding of this technology, please see our 

Video Tab on this page 

Before you do, please note the sound you hear in the video is not present in the room whilst the devices are being demonstrated, the sound captured during the video is being captured by the microphone on the video recorder.

Audio Leaks are commonplace in all types of organizations no matter the size.

Facebook recently had an internal meeting leaked.

Many government departments are often outed to the media using an audio leak.

It is a common risk facing all types of organizations doe to the ease with which anyone can record audio using pretty much any kind of electronic device.

Reduce the risk of sensitive discussions being recorded using the Boardroom suppressor and protect the most sensitive discussions from Information leakage.

Who needs a boardroom suppressor?
The boardroom suppressor can be used for many types of situations across a company.

Since 2019, PBN-TEC has supplied the Boardroom Suppressor to many types of companies including Fortune 500 corporations.

The need for this system varies within a company and more often than not, the device is used by multiple members of senior management within an organization for instances such as:

Face to Face Discussions

Internal Disciplinary Action – Human Resources

  • Many times when a problem with an employee exists in a workplace, the whole process an employer has to go through to solve the problem can be taxing and takes away focus and time from a company’s primary interests.

Employees will naturally seek to protect themselves wherever possible and in many instances disciplinary action can be recorded without anyone knowing. This can pose problems later and be used for gain by ex-employees and in some cases, the legal team representing a former employee.

Confidential Agreements – Business Intelligence

Agreements & Negotiations are often concluded based on a confidential discussion between two parties face to face.

Ultra-sonic suppression can provide the peace of mind needed for both parties to feel comfortable discussing their needs and finding solutions together.

Business Partner Disputes

Disagreements between business partners often creates the same need to protect themselves the way a disgruntled employee feels, the need to protect themselves.

Delicate situations like disagreements between business partners need to be handled in a methodical manner whereby you can prepare and pre-empt any form of attack.

The use of an audio recorder in such a discussion is a major threat during delicate matters such as a business dispute.

Meeting Spaces
Meeting spaces are the number one place where a boardroom suppressor can effectively protect your business. Meetings are often scheduled for important discussions and below is a breakdown of the types of meetings which the Boardroom suppressor systems are being used by our corporate clients.

Crisis Management Meetings
When a company is in crisis, you need to have some serious frank discussions, but those discussions can be further counterproductive to your company and create further problems if you have personnel attending the meeting who could be compromising the company and creating further crisis to your organization.

R&D Meetings
The future of your company and the plans you put in place are under serious threat by competitors from day one.

Implementing the correct security measures to protect the assets and interests of your company’s future is paramount to the success of your organization.

Legal Discussions
Legal discussions of any nature should always be treated confidentially.

Sometimes such discussions can be under threat from audio recorders planted in meeting spaces or even a person attending the meeting can be secreting an audio capturing device to record the meeting.

Legal discussions are often a difficult task for anyone. deploying the Boardroom suppressor in such meetings can help provide the peace of mind people need to talk thoroughly about matters.

Why do I need this if I have my offices swept for Bugging devices?

Ultra-Sonic Emission is the latest development in the Tactical Surveillance Counter Measures industry.

The idea being you can perform as much TSCM detection as you want but how do you protect the live threats which can enter a meeting and record silently?

The Boardroom Suppressor provides a new layer of protection to your security defense.

Used by over 20 TSCM & Cyber Security consultants in the USA, the Boardroom suppressor is a vital component to anyone or any entity who needs to protect sensitive discussions and prevent information leakage.

The Boardroom Suppressor has two types of audio suppression; Silent Ultra Sonic emission, which can be used on its own in a covert manner or combine it with White Noise Generation for the strongest type of speech protection.

Built for professional speech protection, this system has 8 ultrasonic transducers and 1 acoustic speaker. Positioned correctly, you can protect many types of offices and meeting rooms with just 1 device.

This highly advanced technology creates acoustic interference in the air allowing you to suppress even highly protected microphones (IP65-68) which are used on the latest iPhone and Samsung cell phones.

Specifications – PBN-BRMSK

Dimensions 180 х 165 х 110 mm (7.0 x 6.5 x 4.3 in)
Weight 2 kg (4.4 lb)
Power 110/220 V network
Power consumption No more than 0.7 A
Sound pressure level at 1 m (3.3 ft) distance from the device Not less than 125 dB
  • optimal — up to 2 m (7 ft)
  • maximal — up to 7 m (23 ft)
Jamming method Ultrasonic interference + acoustic interference at 18-19 kHz frequency + acoustic speech-like interference
Remote control action range up to 10 m (33 ft)

The MSK ideal for any individual or organization that needs to conduct confidential discussions and protect the discussion from information leakage:

The MSK has been supplied to many types of organizations, below is a brief of common user groups of the Microphone Suppression kit (PBN-MSK)

Fortune 500 and INC 5000 companies are regularly using these systems to protect commercial interests.

Government agencies and Financial institutions have been using these systems on a mandatory basis for privacy rooms for many years.

Many different types of businesses and organizations use Ultrasonic emission to protect discussions from unauthorized eaves dropping devices.

Legal Offices

Legal offices are a common target for unauthorized recording devices.

The ability to record a confidential discussion within a legal office can cause grave consequences for all parties.

This added protection inside meeting rooms ensures your client’s privacy and your firm’s reputation are protected against information leakage threats.

TSCM Operatives

Tactical Surveillance operatives normally perform digital sweeps of meeting rooms for clients.

The need to protect the meeting room whilst the meeting is in progress is a much greater threat now.

The ability to walk into any meeting with some form of microphone is clearly easier to do and much more of a threat than someone planting a recording device in an office or meeting room beforehand.

Security Consultants and Investigators

Security consultants and Private Investigators are often provided with extremely sensitive information. Becoming a confidant to clients is a big part of the work.

Providing the extra layers of protection and demonstrating an understanding of a confidants position by using these systems will give clients peace of mind and further enhance an agencies professional awareness.

Meeting and Exhibition Organizations

Corporations who host commerce events can provide peace of mind to exhibitors and visitors with enhanced protection in meeting and conference rooms.

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