Keyscan CIM Communications Interlink Module Access Panel Accessory


Product Overview

Communication that meets the sophisticated demands of today's access control systems

The Keyscan CIM is a communication control module designed to use a CAN Bus communication network. It provides optimized server to access control unit (ACU) communication as well as gives users an ACU to ACU network providing inter-panel communication for global communication functions including anti-passback, global input/output and global time zones.

The CIM includes an impressive host of new features including ground loop protection, enhanced diagnostics, improved speed and unprecedented reliability.

Standardized Cabling

Establishes communication links with CAN Bus communication protocol using standard CAT5 cabling.

Ground Loop Tolerance

Maximizes electrical isolation to earth ground providing tolerance against ground loops.

Fault Tolerance

If one CIM goes down, it won't take the loop down with it. CAN Bus protocol offers non-interrupted communication of remaining devices on the network.

Communication Speeds

Provides optimized communication speeds, up to 115K BPS.

Enhanced Diagnostics

Provides many diagnostics for quick and easy troubleshooting.

Auto Bit Rate Configuration

Designed to automatically match bit rate speed with control unit configuration.

Network Adaptation

Supports Keyscan's plug-on TCP/IP network adapter NETCOM2P/6P. (pictured above)

Ribbon Cable

Uses a simplified ribbon cable connection to control unit for fast installation.

Global Communication

Access Control Units with direct connectivity with the CAN Bus network now provide ACU to ACU communication without server dependence. This permits a host of new features and capabilities.

General Information
Name: Keyscan CIM Communications Interlink Module Access Panel Accessory, dormakaba Holding, Keyscan by dormakaba
Category: Keyscan by dormakaba, Access Control, Control Panels, Control Panel Modules
UPC Code: 800168004632
Country of Origin: Canada. Country of origin is subject to change.

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